Sewall Orchard
259 Masalin Road Lincolnville, Maine, 04849 Telephone: (207) 763-3956 Email: [email protected] Facebook: Sewall Organic Orchard These URL's will bring you to this site:
www.sewallorchard.com www.sewallsorchard.com www.sewallorganicorchard.com Please call or email ahead for any questions about the orchard or products, to make an appointment for custom pressing, or to speak to Bob about land management or consultation. Due to the volume of requests received, Bob can only advise on a formal basis, as a consultant. We check email twice daily in apple season, and generally respond by the end of business each day. Our outgoing voicemail has a very long detailed message---updated regularly during the season; listening to it all the way through will generally answer all your questions. |
Please visit the Seasons & Hours page before planning your trip to the orchard.

From the South:
Take Route One to Camden, pick up Route 52 at the top of Main Street (main street forks; to the right is Route one North, to the left is Route 52) Do not follow signs on Route One to Lincolnville Beach! Proceed to Lincolnville Center. At the Center General Store, Route 52 turns right to Belfast. Take that right. Go two miles until you see a sign on your right for Sewall's Orchard. Yield carefully and make a left (really more "straight") off of the curve of 52 onto Tuckerbrook Road. The road will fork at Tuckerbrook and Masalin roads. Stay left. Go two miles on Masalin. Follow signs for Sewall's Orchard. The road turns to the left, becomes a dirt road and goes up and over a hill. The orchard is at the bottom of the road and is marked by a small sign on the right.
From the North:
Take route one south of Belfast to Lincolnville Beach. At the flashing yellow light, turn right onto Route 173. Follow that to Lincolnville Center and proceed as described above, taking route 52 at the Center General Store.
From the West: Take Route 3 from Augusta to Belmont Corners. Turn right on Route 131. Immediately turn left onto Lincolnville Road. Follow this for 6 miles until you come to the only stop sign. Turn right onto 52. Within a quarter mile you will see a sign for Sewall's Orchard. Take your first right onto Tuckerbrook road and proceed.
Take Route One to Camden, pick up Route 52 at the top of Main Street (main street forks; to the right is Route one North, to the left is Route 52) Do not follow signs on Route One to Lincolnville Beach! Proceed to Lincolnville Center. At the Center General Store, Route 52 turns right to Belfast. Take that right. Go two miles until you see a sign on your right for Sewall's Orchard. Yield carefully and make a left (really more "straight") off of the curve of 52 onto Tuckerbrook Road. The road will fork at Tuckerbrook and Masalin roads. Stay left. Go two miles on Masalin. Follow signs for Sewall's Orchard. The road turns to the left, becomes a dirt road and goes up and over a hill. The orchard is at the bottom of the road and is marked by a small sign on the right.
From the North:
Take route one south of Belfast to Lincolnville Beach. At the flashing yellow light, turn right onto Route 173. Follow that to Lincolnville Center and proceed as described above, taking route 52 at the Center General Store.
From the West: Take Route 3 from Augusta to Belmont Corners. Turn right on Route 131. Immediately turn left onto Lincolnville Road. Follow this for 6 miles until you come to the only stop sign. Turn right onto 52. Within a quarter mile you will see a sign for Sewall's Orchard. Take your first right onto Tuckerbrook road and proceed.